Missed Lessons and Make-up Policy

  • Regular punctual attendance at classes and lessons is essential for the student’s success and is required by Ostinato Conservatory.

  • In case of illness, scheduling conflicts, or an unusual circumstance, a maximum of one private lesson per month may be rescheduled at the convenience and discretion of the instructor. This is out of respect for our faculty members, who set aside a specific time for each student. This time is reserved only for you.

  • Absences without notice will not be refunded or made-up.

  • Students arriving late to lessons will be given only the remaining duration of their lesson time.

  • If an instructor misses a lesson, it will be made up at a mutually agreed upon time.

  • Lessons are forfeited if a student is absent for any reason without prior notice.

  • If family vacations or trips conflict with a certain week in the month, please plan ahead and make arrangements with your instructor. Each case will be handled individually.

  • A 30-day written notice is required if a student decides to discontinue lessons and should be given to the conservatory in person or by email.